I have a really big dilemma right now... I'm trying to decide what to do. Ok, here's the deal. My roommate moved out and so did Tico. So I'm all on my own now. I'm not making enough to pay my mortgage. So, What do I do? Here are my options:
1. Get a new roommate
PRO – I can resume living my semi-carefree lifestyle.
CON – I was really getting sick of my roommate and couldn’t wait for her to go in the end.
2. Get another job
PRO – Ummm, is there a pro… Well, I won’t be bored and I’ll probably lose weight.
CON – I won’t have time for anything and I’ll be tired all the time.
3. Sell my house and leave FLA
PRO – I’ll have a fresh start…
CON – I still don’t know what to do with myself and where would I go???
And finally…
4. Call up my old boss and ask for my job back
PRO – I’ll get to stay here, keep my house, and my privacy
CON – I’ll never live it down…
I’ll have to decide soon… Very soon.
Oh yeah, I forgot, Tico and I aren’t together anymore. I told him that I’m not gonna sit around and wait for him while he sorts himself out. Who knows what the future holds. We might get back together and we might not. Only time will tell, but in the mean time, I’m not going to sit around worried about it.
Wow - life moves on, when you're not paying attention! I wish I could tell you all the right moves - but I'm still trying to figure out my moves too! I haven't been here (blog land) in forever!
Decisions, decisions! I thought Tico was tired of your roommate while you were tired of her dogs?
SP: I had a feeling that a lot was going on with you, since you blogged very little. But within all dilemmas are opportunities for change. You're at a point where good can come out of what you've been through.
If money is becoming a problem, it looks like getting a job will help tremendously. Whether it be a new job or the old job, whichever one is bringing in cash flow is a good thing. Plus, it's good to have normalcy and structure back in life even for a short period of time until you figure out what you want to do. Yanno, at least you will have a roof over your head (no foreclosure), food to eat, health insurance, and the other benefits afforded to stable employment.
Never feel bad about having to return to an old job. You don't owe anyone any excuses or explanations as to why you are returning. You're doing what you have to do to take care of yourself. I would say more if I had your email address. But nevertheless, keep your head up.
I would get another roommate. It seems like the lesser of all evils, plus it will give you breathing room to really think about what you want to do with your life. Not just go back to a job you did not enjoy or get a job you also will not enjoy for loot. You can also make it a short lease.
@NYABG - I know, right! I haven't been here in forever either.
@Shawn - Yeah, I was tired of the dogs, but towards the end I go REALLY tired of her too. She aggitated me ALOT!
@Aziza - I'm gonna have to give you my email address!
@Miz JJ - The problem with that is finding a roomate!
SP sorry you have such urgent decisions. I say make a fresh start, but that's just me, I'm a gypsy like that. Be well.
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