Saturday, September 22, 2007

in Chicago

I know... it's been crazy. So, i'm up in the northern suburbs of Chi.cago right now. I've been here for a few weeks already and things are ok. I'm staying in an exte.nded stay hotel right now. I move into my fabulous new apartment on the 1st of the month. I'm so very excited about that. My commute to work will either be a 55min train ride, or a 1h10min car ride, depending on what I want to do... right now, i'm not so sure yet. I need to actually try it to see how i like it.

Work is alright... It's fairly easy stuff that I am picking up quickly. But there has been an incident already... Ok, let me give you a little background. it's a 3 year old company and up until 2.5 months ago, the development team has been all male. They hired a young girl, straight out of college who started two months before me. The first week, i was in training... I didn't even meet the developers. The second week there, i worked for a few days before "the incident". Anyone who works in development or engineering knows how people tend to email around articles about new things in the industry or anything that they think you as a group might find useful. Well, they do that here... So, my boss sent one out. Only, it wasn't anything useful, interestng about the industry, or even new and exciting. It was basically an article saying that women were stupid and you had to dumb things down for them to get them interested in technology... Ummm, WHAT? WTF! Yeah, ummm, yeah... I pretty much ignored it. I mean, hey, it's my first week! By the other girl had a fit. She went to HR who went to his boss, who went to him. Then they ALL wanted to talk to her AND to me(being the only women in the group.) I couldn't believe this shit! Anyway, interesting first week, huh?

So, i guess that's about it for now. I'm exploring Chicago this weekend... I can't wait until I feel like I actually live here...


At 9:59 PM, September 23, 2007, Blogger proacTiff said...

This is going to make for 'verdy' interesting blog tales. Just tell - is all my nosey behind asks. =) Gosh, everyone is making power moves; not faking one bit. Moving and shaking. I feel left out. Bundle up, lady. From FLA, to the "Shy," ain't no laughing matter. Jack Frost don't play the radio in that windy city! Tell Oprah I said, "Hello."

At 11:15 AM, September 24, 2007, Blogger Jdid said...

thats a lil whoops there by your boss. bad way to run things. he should know better

At 9:16 AM, September 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh - new apartment. New space. That is exciting. Good luck. I hope this incident, isn't typical of your new employers!

At 8:10 PM, September 25, 2007, Blogger Shawn said...

Drama in the workplace. Fun!

It's good your co-worker didn't let the article go unchecked. There are plenty of things you can think quietly but you should know never to affirm or express publicly.

I hated Chicago when I lived there for 3 months but hearing you talk about it makes me miss Garrett's, Harold's, and White Castle.

At 9:35 PM, September 25, 2007, Blogger chele said...

Your boss sounds like a d*ck.

Sorry, it had to be said.

At 1:44 PM, September 26, 2007, Blogger Aziza said...

SP: Hey lady. I see that you're making big moves. I like the men in Chicago.

As for the job. Hang in there, but you may have to keep circulating your resume if the people at your current job keep making inappropriate remarks.

At 10:21 PM, September 26, 2007, Blogger SP said...

@Tiff - Good to hear from you... I haven't met Oprah yet, but i'm on a quest! LOL!

@Jdid - He should know better, but get this, when we talked about it... why did he say that he only skimmed the article??

@NYABG- I hope it isn't typical too. I'll post pics of the new apartment soon as I move in.

@Shawn-Why did you hate Chicago? Oh no! Do I need to send you a care package?

@Chele- Other than the incident, he seems alright... It may be too soon to tell.

@Aziza-I have yet to meet any men... i'll keep you posted, though!


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