My trip is fast approaching and I am still not prepared. I know, me procrastinating??? NO!!
I leave on the 7th for LA to spend a week with the folks. From there, I got to San Fran, then on to Asia. I have yet to pack, let alone decide what to take with me. Plus, I'm really, REALLY sick right now. I know what you are thinking. "Is it safe for you to travel while sick?" Well, I was asking myself that same question. With all the illnesses you can get from that part of the country anyway, I don't want to risk going with a weak immune system. So, I called my DR on Friday when I first started getting sick and she told me some stuff to do and said to call back Monday if I wasn't any better. Well, I'm not! It hurts to swallow, I'm all stuffy, I'm achey, and a have a bad cough.
Here's my delima. One the one hand, I would feel horrible about canceling the trip because my girl is depeneding on me. It's just me and her going, and she wouldn't be able to go alone if I pulled out. Plus, Tico keeps giving me soooo much shit about going that sometime I feel like even if I shouldn't, I want to go anyway just so he knows I won't cater to him or give in while he is bitching.
On the other hand, I am sick. What if I catch something over there because my immune system is weak? And of course, I would love to spend the holidays with Tico. Wouldn't you know that the first christmas/New Years in a long LONG time that I am with someone, I am going away!
About the trip itself, I have mixed feelings. I am excited to be going to all of these places, but I'm also a bit worried because I didn't do any of the planning and I dont' even know where we are staying. I love to travel, but I'm concerned about being 2 women alone in some of those countries. And I keep thinking about when I come back. I'll have to start thinking about what I want to do with my life. I mean, that really is the reason I took off and my excuse for the trip. When I come back I'll have to face reality...
So much going on in such a little amount of time. When I know something, so will you...