Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hey! Where did the sun go???

I don't really have time or energy right now to talk. Everything is just crazy right now. I'll give you a short re-cap, but I can't really provide details at this point. Let's see... I don't have a job. My roommate is moving out. Tico is moving out, but we are still seeing each other. And the dog is finally healthy after weeks issues. I have no idea what is going to happen right now, but I'll try to keep you informed...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Sun is shinning...

and life is good. Actually it's all thunderstormy out and the sky is still smokey from the wild flowers, but whatever!

Things are going pretty well. I am still jobless, but i've had a couple of interviews lately that went well. I'm optomistic.

Tico came back from NY and we worked out a lot of the issues. I told him how i felt unappreciated and he told me how sorry he was. He told me about how stressed he was under and that he wasn't thinking about how it was affecting me. We discussed our need for better communication and what we both want/need out of our relationship. We are doing great right now. We'll see how it goes from here. And Yes, he is paying rent...

So other than that, not much to tell...

Friday, May 04, 2007

Sorry for not updating ya'll. Haven't really been up to much of anything. Laying on the couch watching TV right now contemplating life. I have sooo much to think about right now. And believe it or not, Tico isn't even my biggest concern. Right now I have to get a job. I was going over my money and realized that time has come and past for me to get on the ball. That plus the fact that my roommate leaves next month, so the rent checks end soon. I don't really want to be an engineer again, but it's looking like my best option right now. I don't want to be a waitress again. Not because I didn't like it, but mainly because I don't want to get home at 4am anymore. I really have no idea what I want to do still. I just know that I have to do something...

As for Tico, he calls me every day, several times a day. He is spending time with his father and his son. I know that you guys are concerned and I thank you for that. I know that it would be so much easier if I just walked away, but it's much harder to do than it sounds. Maybe it's my fault for getting so attached so fast. Maybe I should have run when I first found out about all of his drama. But I didn't. I don't know why I didn't. When I think back on it all, I sometimes think I should have left. But then I love him... I miss him right now. I can't imagine him not being around.

Shawn - You don't have to say what you really think. I already know it because I would say the same thing to any friend of mine that told me this story.

Aziza - I'm trying to evaluate things now. My gut is all confused too! Lol!

Miz JJ - I'm watching and waiting to see. I believe him and so far, he's always told me the truth.

ShellyP - Thanks for the email. It's way too much to reply to here. But I will say, she does know about me. He told her right before going up there.