Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Cheating On My Girlfriend

Did you ever feel like you were cheating on a girlfriend with another girlfriend? Well, that’s what I’m going through right now. One of my friends that I am really close with, let’s call her Misty, introduced me to her friend from work, we’ll call her Ann. They stopped working together a while ago, but we all used to go out and do thing together. Well, Misty has a lot going on in her life. She has a man and she is getting ready to go to law school. Even before law school, she was always a very busy person. Ann is single and likes to go out and do things, things Misty doesn’t like to do. Well, I talk regularly on the phone with Ann and one day Misty let it be know that she was a bit jealous. Here’s the story. Ann and I were talking about movies. I love to go out to the movies and so does she. We said how nice it would be to go, we could grab lunch and make a day of it. After all, we are both single and don’t have anything else to do. We hadn’t actually made a plan, just talked about doing it. So, no date, no time, no place, not even a specific movie in mind. Just a conversation. I told Misty about this and asked if she wanted to come. She got upset! She said “Well, if I were THINKING of doing something I would have included you!” Talk about High Maintenance. It hurt her feelings that she introduced me to Ann and we seemed so close. Apparently I am not supposed to hang out with Ann without Misty. Well, then Misty does things she doesn’t want to do and expects us to do things we don’t want to do. Like Ann and I both really wanted to go see Mama Mia when it was in town. Misty didn’t want to go, but she came anyway. She didn’t want to spend much on tickets, so we tried to appease her by not getting the best seats we could, which really bothered Ann. And she didn’t even pretend to enjoy herself afterwards. So, when a ballet or something was in town, she expected us to go with her. I didn’t want to go! Not that I had anything against the ballet, but I just wasn’t feeling it that night. I think I had something going on too. I think Ann went with her after the numerous “Well, I went with you guys to Mama Mia!” comments. Ann and I have talked about this situation. We both realize that we censor ourselves around Misty so that she doesn’t know we’ve been talking. It’s that a shame. My girl Shel asked me the other day if I was still cheating on Misty with Ann. It really does feel like that!! I need more guy friends…

The Countdown Continues

2 DAYS!!! This time Friday, I’ll be getting onto a plane to Virginia. Ok, maybe not this early, but I’ll definitely be at the airport by now! I should really be working on this code they need done before I leave, but who cares! I’m going on VACATION!!

I’m a little disappointed about my trip. You know how I said that I had no plans? Well a good friend of mine, who lives in Oklahoma, was supposed to be in Maryland visiting him mom. We were going to try to hook up the first couple of days I am there, but he called me last night to tell me he had to leave earlier. I haven’t seen him since our other close friend passed away, and I’ve never met his Honey, who’s with him. I told him they would just have to come to Florida, because I’m not going to Oklahoma! Besides that, I am spending the 8th and 9th with my girl in Yorktown, VA. I guess that’s near Virginia Beach. During the week, I still plan on spending a lot of time just sitting around relaxing, trying to get that massage I desperately need. But it also looks like I’m going to be doing some house hunting. My girlfriend just got into Georgetown Law! So, it looks like she’ll be moving up there. Rather than rent, she is going to sell her place down there and buy one up there. I guess her man’s been looking for her, but it’s always nice to get a female perspective. Plus, I know how picky she is! So I guess that’s my whole trip planned out. My dear, sweet mother will make all my favorite foods. (She spoils me and she makes the BEST egg rolls in the world!) And my father will tell dirty jokes (he thinks me and my sister are old enough to do that now!) and make me drive him around (cuz he’s getting old and swears he is not a good driver anymore.) I can’t wait!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Say What?

My girlfriend that I haven’t talked to in a while called me early Saturday morning. So early that it woke me up, but that’s ok, because she has been MIA for a while now. First off, let me say that the child has issues. She has so much potential to do anything in life, but she is so unfocused. She has no direction and just ends up taking meaningless jobs, while trying to plan out her dreams. Once she gets a plan, it usually only lasts a little while before she gives up and has another “life-long dream” to follow. She is constantly struggling for money and because of her situation, her mother keeps her son most of the time. There are a whole lot of other issues surrounding her son and his father, but I won’t get into all that. The whole point of this story is what this girlfriend is doing now. She told me that a guy she knows is doing some “promotion” stuff at a celebrity filled party this 4th of July. He invited her to come, saying she could make $1500. The conversation when like this… “FOR WHAT???” “Well, just for going and having a good time.” “What kind of good time?” “It’s nothing. There’s a whole group of girls going… He runs an escort service.” “An ESCORT SERVICE!! So, what if someone wants you to go home with them?” “That’s not allowed. We all go together and leave together. I don’t have to do anything.” “You think they are going to pay you $1500 for not doing anything?” “It’s not like that. Plus I can really use the money. I’m not going to do anything.” I just don’t know what to do with her anymore. She is certainly not the person I knew before. I try to be there for her, but it’s really hard when she disappears and then calls to tell me stuff like this. I’m trying to seem supportive, but what do I say to her?

Friday, June 24, 2005


I have to admit it, I am addicted to coffee. I wasn’t before. But with working all these late hours and weekends, my coffee intake has dramatically increased. Normally, I would have a cup in the morning and a cup of tea in the afternoons. I wouldn’t have any coffee on the weekends. Well, it’s more like 5 cups of coffee every day of the week now. For the past two days I’ve been trying to get myself off of the stuff. And that has led to serious withdrawal symptoms. I mean serious headaches, moodiness, and all around attitude. I’ve also been sooooo sleepy. I’m trying to contain it, but it’s not really working out so well. So, I’ve got to go back up to more coffee and try to slowly wean myself off. It can’t be that slow, though. My parents don’t even have a coffee maker in VA!! I have 7 days to kick my addiction. So, I may as well say sorry to Shel now. My bad girl. Just smack me if I’m being a bitch.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Will it Never End???

Ok, so I’m still at work. It’s almost 9. I’ve been here for weeks! I don’t even know what day it is. Working weekends makes the days just blend together. I finish my big major deadline the other day. Woo Hoo! Hurray for me! I was all kind of excited. But now… Well, of course, they give me something else. Another “Urgent, High priority” bit of coding that needs to be done. So, here I am, still at work.

8 days. Someone reminded me that I have 8 days till I go to Virginia! That’s the only thing keeping me alive right now. I need a drink and a massage…

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Big Baby

Ok, so the official count is 10 days till my vacation and boy do I need it. Work is just kicking my butt. I mean, there is a serious bug and I can’t find it anywhere! I’d like to blame the underlying code and say that my stuff is perfect. In fact, I will. But that doesn’t mean I’m under any less stress. We still have to release on time, otherwise it will look bad on the whole department! No stress, right? So, with all the long days and weekends it just got to be too much. Yesterday I had a bit of a breakdown. Yes, I cried at work. I know, I know, I am a grown woman and it’s just code, but I couldn’t help it. I am a very emotional person, and lack of sleep and proper nourishment have just gotten the best of me. It was kind of funny because the project manager guy just ran away. He came back about a half hour later looking a bit scared.

And to make matters worse, a close friend of mine had a death in the family, which I found out about yesterday. It’s actually more than that. Her family IS my family. We were college roommates and, seeing as I lived so far from school, I didn’t go home much. I went to her house. Every thanksgiving, spring breaks, long weekends… They treat me as one of the family and I love them all so much. I even used to send her little brother and sister money when they were in school. I was in Kentucky with them when my Grandma Jean died. And Maw Maw was the one to make sure I was ok. Anyway, it is just really hard for me to deal with today. I wish I could be there to help them through the loss. We’ll all Miss out Auntie.

But for now, I have to keep in mind, THERE’S NO CRYING AT WORK!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

What the...

Ok, so I just hear something very interesting. Anyone one who knows me knows that I have very little love for my brother-in-law. There are a lot of reasons why, but I won’t go into all that right now. I’m sure there be much more to come on him AND my beloved sister. I was on the phone with Sis just now. She was asking me about my job, being that I am at work right now. (I don’t usually do weekends, but deadlines are a bitch!) She asked if I was alone, and I told her that 3 guys were here. Then she asked me if I worked with all guys. I started to tell her that while my field is mostly guys, my office is actually very diverse. There are 19 people in my department we have 9 minorities and 6 of us are women. When I was in school, a class of 200 people would sometimes only have a handful of minorities or women. But I digress. Before I got the “but my office is diverse” part out, she says, “Yeah B is a token at his job too”. Now, her hubby, B, is a blond haired blue eyed white guy from a very privileged background. I just said “What?” And she proceeded to tell me that her hubby, the real estate agent, worked for a female minority owned business. First off, I was shocked. This is a man that I have heard make various comments about other racial groups that could be construed as racist. I am thinking, why in the hell would he work there? And why would they want him?? And why is Sis using the term Token???

Friday, June 17, 2005

Growing Pains

Not too long a go, my girl ShellyP asked me if my boobs were getting bigger. I said, Of course not! It must be the angle or the shirt or something. Well, Shelly, I think you were right. I didn't pay $6000(actually my health insurance, not me) to have them reduced for nothing. I think I need to get my butt to the gym!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Big Mama

As excited as I am to be going to VA, I feel a bit guilty. I’ll be missing my grandmother by just a few days. Had I re-arranged my trip, I could have seen her. I knew in advanced, and I really don’t to be there for anything special, so I could have come whenever. But I didn’t really want to. See, Big Mama has Alzheimer's. And it’s getting pretty bad. Last time I saw her, she thought I was still in school. High school that is. She kept saying how fat I had gotten. That was before I lost weight. And of course, that really makes someone self conscious about their weight, being told 20 times a day that they are fat. I know it’s not her fault and she doesn’t remember it at all, but at the time, I was SMALLER than her!!! She’s at my parents’ house now and she constantly ask where I am, if I have any kids, and am I married. I don’t think I can sit there and be asked if I’m married and why not 20 times in a row. Plus, what if I got there and she asked “Who’s that?” I just don’t think I can handle that. Does that make me a bad granddaughter?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Counting down...

I'm going on Vacation... Vacation... Vaaacaaatiooonnnn! Ya'll can't see me right now, but I'm doing my happy dance. I have 12 days to go. Well, not 12 actual days. 12 business days. I don't need a vacation from the weekends. Its work I can't wait to get away from. See, last night I left work at 10pm. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now and I am burned out! So, in 16 actual days, I'll be off to Virginia. It's really nothing special. I take this trip several times a year. My parents live right out side of DC. I'm not actually sure what I'm going to do for 10 days in Virginia. The people I kept in touch with from high school seem to all have moved away or will be out of town. I think I'll get a chance to visit my girl and her fiancé, who I haven't met, out in Hampton, VA. That will be a nice couple of days. Other than that, I'll just be happily not working at my parents’ house. It'll be a chance to catch up on all the many movies I haven't seen and the naps I haven't taken.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My Introduction

After being convinced by my good friend ShellyP, I now have a blog. I told her I wouldn't get one because I had nothing to say. However, after long strenuous weeks of work, numerous incidents with friends and family, and just all around strange things happening to me, I realized that I didn't have anyone to bitch to about it all. So that’s where the blog comes in. Now, I will admit that I lead a somewhat boring life. I may not have much to say at times, but we’ll see what happens…