Thing have been going ok. I say just ok because some things are good and some are not so good.
I have been sick lately, but I am just now starting to get better. First I was all nauseous and had headaches constantly. Then I had a throat ache, stuffy nose, fever... You know, all the good stuff. I'm feeling much better now, but Tico is starting to get sick.
My roommate and I are having slight issues. It all started when I told her that her dogs have got to go. They are little Yorkies and cute as a button. It's funny because one has a lot of silver in his hair and the other one is more black. My boyfriend refers to the first one as the "light skinned one". LOL! Anyway, I really didn't have an issue with the dogs... Well, until they started peeing on my couch! I started when I got back from south East Asia. Actually I suspect that she would leave them out instead of locked up in her room when she went to work and they started the pee-fest while I was on vacation. As annoyed as I was when I got back, I didn't say anything and tried to get over it. After all, the dogs belonged to her mother who died a year and a half ago. Plus, she is homesick and a bit lonely. I figured she needed them around. Then the complex manager saw all 3 dogs and "kindly" let me know that we are only allowed 2 pets. Really? Ummm, I totally forgot that from when I moved in. After all, who pays attention to that? I wasn't EVER planning on having a second dog, let alone a third. So, I let her know they had to go. She was going to send them back with a friend of hers that was coming for a visit. The friend came and went, the dogs were still here. Then her sister came and went, the dogs were still here. Then she was scheduled to go home... why was her trip postponed and the dogs were still here??? At this point the manager was asking me if I had taken care of the "dog situation" and kindly reminded me of how having a pet was a privilege, not a right and I could be barred from having any pets at all! I was a bit pissed at this point since I didn't want to lose my dog. Next thing I know my roommate IS going home and she was scheduled to take the dogs. Why at the last minute does she tell me she can't take both, only one because of the airline? Bitch, you knew that way before! Why didn't you tell me??? Anyway, now there is tension... Just a bit, but ya'll know how much I hate conflict...
What else is going on? Oh, well, I am still on the job hunt. I am being very picky. I am interviewing with places, but I want to try to find a job I will enjoy, not just any job. My savings account is dwindling down, so I'd better start being unpicky very soon!
We got some bad news today. Tico's grandmother went into the hospital. She is very sick, but has been for years. Back in November she was in for an infection in her leg. I didn't get to go to the hospital, so I don’t know all the details. I do know that her brain is swelling so they are keeping her in the hospital. She has had a liver transplant and has a variety of health problems. At first they thought she had a blood clot, but thank god she doesn't. I just hope she gets better soon.
There is also baby news. Tico's ex-girlfriend is pregnant. She is due in about 2 months. Wait... Is everyone still breathing? Cuz I think I stopped for a few minutes, hours, days... when I heard. My first though is that I can't be mad at him because it happened before we got together. I thought I got used to the idea of it, but now I am second guessing myself. Should I really be with him? I dunno. Would it be better if he tried to work it out with this girl? He says he wouldn't even if I weren't around. At my age, almost every guy I meet has kids. This one is just a little younger than I'd like, right? Almost everyone now days has step-parents or half-siblings, right? Just because I never did and never wanted my kids to doesn't mean I should leave, right? The closer it gets to her due date, the more and more I ask myself these questions. She has a myspace page. Sometimes I go and look at the pictures of her ever growing belly. Sometimes I think I'm a little bit jealous of her. She's only 23 and is so happy to be having a baby. I'm nearly 30 and I always though that I'd be married and have kids by now. I wanted to be done by now and I'm not even close to getting started. I don't know what the future holds for us or what I am even doing right now. This whole baby thing is just a bit much for me to handle...