Wednesday, August 31, 2005

It's About That Time...

Did I mention before that I am a big sports fan? I love football and basketball. It all comes from my Mom. She raised us to watch all sports. That’s because she played pro basketball as a young girl growing up in Japan. She loves sports more than anyone I know. My sister studied physical therapy and sports medicine in school and was an athletic trainer in high school. See, there is no way I could have grown up not liking sports. So, needless to say, I am all excited for the start of football season. The first game is Thursday(the 8th) between the Raiders and the Patriots. Go Raiders!! For now I am content to catch a pre-season game here and there and prepare for Fantasy Football. Our league has our draft on the 6th. Come next week, don’t expect me to be doing anything on Sundays if it doesn’t involve football!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Back to VA

I am looking forward to this weekend. I leave Thursday night for DC. From there, I’ll drive down to VA beach for my friend’s wedding. No, Tiff, I still don’t have a date. Aziza’s right. I may just have a good time by myself. If not, I can always be that one really drunk girlfriend that gets a bit wild! Every wedding has one when there’s an open bar, sometime more than one. Besides seeing my good friend get married, I’m just glad to have some time off. Now I know what you’re thinking, “Didn’t you just come back from vacation??” Yeah, I did, but I need another. I’m just too stressed at work. I need some time off to relax. This trip will give me the opportunity to see my girl at Georgetown, visit with Mom and Dad, and finish reading the book I haven’t been able to get to lately, Barack Obama’s autobiography, Dreams From My Father. If ya’ll don’t know who Barack Obama is, you need to study up on your politics and your Black history! The book isn't really about politics, though. At least not so far. I'll have to let you know how it is once I'm done. Till then, I'll be working... 2 days to go!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

I know there have already been a lot of posting on the Katrina, but I am just gonna add my 2 cents in. I am so thankful that it only hit South Florida as a category 1. About this time last week, there were reports of a tropical storm out there. We didn’t know anything about it! By Wednesday, we were told it was going to be a hurricane and was heading straight for us. Thursday, there was already a hurricane warning posted. My office shut down before it even had a chance to open. The storm track had the eye coming over my house. So, all morning was spent moving patio furniture inside, turning the AC way down so that it would be cold if power went out, and cooking dinner in case the power went out when I was trying to cook later. 8am, on Friday, all of my neighbors were outside. It seems like this is what we always do after a hurricane. Stand outside. Help each other clear away big branches and sweep and rake up all the leaves and other debris while the dogs all run around playing with each other. At least someone was enjoying themselves. Luckily there was no damage to my house or car. A tree came down and took out two of my neighbors fences and one tree is still leaning at about 60 degrees directly over where 3 cars were parked.

One thing about hurricanes, it does bring everyone together. We share our food and ice and grills and portable TVs and radios. We get to know about everyone’s’ jobs and families and likes and dislikes. The morning after someone always go out in search of coffee for everyone. If you are really nervous about the storm, they’re happy got get you drunk and make sure you make it back home ok. If you can’t stand the heat, leave your number and someone will call you when the power is back on. It was only 2 days and that was enough for me. One of my girlfriends lost power too. As soon as I got mine back, we moved her 2 cats and fish right in. They’ll have to put up with my dog, but at least they’ll be cool. It looks as though she may have to wait till Friday to get power back. FRIDAY! That’s 9 days!! They had concrete power poles that cracked, a couple were even knocked down. It’s going to take a long time to fix that. Sunday was the first time I saw the news. I didn’t even know that Katrina was a category 5! This storm has done nothing they though it was going to do. It was supposed to hit above us, go across the state and hit the panhandle again. What happened to that? I’m really glad those poor people in the panhandle don’t have another hurricane to deal with, but at least if it had gone that way, it would only be a Cat 2. I pray for people in Louisiana and Mississippi and every else the storm is going to causes damage.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

You know how they say there is someone out there for everyone. Well, how do you know that? Are you sure about it? I know sooo many single people that are great people. Why are they still single? Why am I? Will I be single forever? Then what do I do. Live my life never getting married. Never having children. What if that ONE has already passed through my life? Was he the guy who asked for my number at Publix? Did we date and break up for some stupid reason that doesn’t really matter? Did he date one of my friends instead of me? What if I rejected him because he was too tall or too short, too fat or too skinny, too rich or too poor, too much into cars, not enough into sports, didn’t like my dog, I couldn’t stand his friends… Then what?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I love to cook

Did ya’ll know that I love to cook? I really do. In the past my roommates have enjoyed the fruits of my labor. Lately it’s just been me eating all of my cooking creations. Like the other day, I made Bombay Chicken Masala. (I got a new Indian cookbook not to long ago.) It came out really good. Before that, I tried out a recipe for smothered chicken from Maya Angelou’s cookbook. (That was a Christmas present.) Most of these dishes come out great, but no one enjoys them except me. On occasion, I’ll bake and take it into work. They all love it even though they bitch about their expanding waistlines. Since I left my apartment two years ago, I haven’t gotten as close to my new neighbors as I was to the old ones. My old neighbors and I used to have dinner parties all the time, taking turns cooking. I miss that. And no, they aren’t just down the street. One moved to Chicago and one moved to Virginia. My new neighbors are nice and all. We get along and occasionally get together for cocktails, but it’s not the same. They don’t share my passion in cooking like my old neighbors. So, to help get some of this out of my system, I’m planning a dinner party. I LOVE dinner parties. I tend to go a bit overboard, though. The reason I don’t have them more is that my house is still a work in progress. Actually, it’s more like an unfinished work, since I haven’t been making any progress lately. But, I’m just going to get over that. My friends know me by now. Pictures not put up, mismatched furniture, and a wall still needs to be painted isn’t going to stop me from having them over. So, my plan is to have a few people, anywhere from 3 to 5, over for a nice sit down dinner. The engineer in me has to have an even number of people there. I know, I’m weird. For the menu, we’ll start with appetizers of Fried Wontons, probably ground turkey since the frying is bad enough for you. Then for dinner, sticky rice, Japanese beef curry, teriyaki chicken skewers, and Mu Shu Pork. For desert, Japanese ice cream, that would be green tea or red bean and I guess I’ll have vanilla for those less adventurous. Usually, I would do a plum wine or Japanese beer with a meal like this, but I have so much liquor from Misty’s going away party that everyone can drink whatever they want. So, now that that’s planned, I just have to figure out who’s coming over. Ann, whom I’ve mentioned before here, and CO are coming already. Now I just need one or 3 more people. Sorry, Shel, you know I can’t ask you and K and not bring Ben and Wifey. Next time…

Monday, August 15, 2005

Drama with Big Mama

I have mentioned my grandma once or twice before. I love her dearly and she is really going through some rough times. As I said before, she is in the beginning stages of Alztimers. It’s hard for everyone to handle, but we are doing the best we can. Apparently, the entire family thought that my father would take care of her when he retires. Why it’s Daddy’s job, I don’t know, but he has always been the responsible one. He is already planning for it even though he won’t retire till next year. My mom is dreading it. She loves Big Mama, but she has a hard time dealing with it. My big Sis said something a bit disturbing. She said “I hope their marriage can survive it.” What kind of comment is that? Our parents have been married for give or take 37 years. And in all that time I have never even once heard them raise their voices at one another. I mean they have had issues, like all married people do, but they kept that stuff between themselves and as their children, we never knew about any trouble in paradise. I know that Big Mama being there will be hard to deal with, but they will do what they have to and make it work. They always have. What’s the drama with Big Mama, you ask? Well, Big Mama has been visiting all of her children, giving my Auntie in Callie a break. Last week, Auntie calls Daddy and tells him she doesn’t want Big Mama to come back. She wants to move into a smaller place and there won’t be room for her. Oh, did I mention that Auntie was getting $1400 a month out of Big Mama’s money to pay her rent? Hmm. Anyway, this causes a big problem seeing as my daddy still works and my mama will go crazy staying home all day every day with my grandma. For now, it’s all been worked out, though. My other auntie in Wisconsin says she will keep her for now. No one knows how long that will last or if she will start looking for rent money as well. Luckily, Big Mama will have forgotten about living in California by now, so she won’t ask to go back. No one has to explain to her that she can’t go back.

The Bon Festival

Saturday I went to the Bon festival at the Morikami Museum. It was a lot of fun and I had a good time. I guess I should explain. The Morikami is a museum and Japanese garden dedicated to the early Japanese settlers that came to south Florida in 18 something or other. I admit, I don’t really know the history, but apparently, there was a really large group in what is now Boca Raton. They have really beautiful gardens, a room to do the tea ceremony, lots of family oriented activities, and even a restaurant that serves Japanese Curry. (Only really traditional places serve curry.) If I still live here when I have children, I will defiantly sign them up for the classes they teach on origami, traditional dances, and the language among other things. I could do the origami, but my Japanese is REALLY rusty. I’ve forgotten most of it except for words and phrases. So, the Morikami has festivals all the time. The Bon festival is supposed to be a 3 day thing to honor your ancestors. I remember going to the festival as a child in Japan. There is even a picture of my sister, our cousin, and myself all dressed in our Kimonos looking like we were half sleep. It’s really cute because that was still at the point where our mama didn’t know what to do with our hair, so it’s just everywhere. I know all of ya’ll have seen mixed kids with non-black mamas who’s heads look tore up. Well, that’s what we were, just in kimonos. And no, I didn’t wear a kimono this time.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

working late... again

Last night I stayed at work late. Quarter after 10. I had to get a bunch of stuff done. I hate staying that late, but at least I wasn’t alone. The worst part about working that late is other people, though. Not people at work, friends and family. If I have to hear “how are you ever going to meet a nice man if you are always working” one more time! And if you call or IM me to yell at me a little before 10 for being at work, DON’T INSIST ON HAVING A FULL CONVERSATION!!! Shel, this is not directed to you. Some people just don’t get the fact that if you leave me alone I can finish and go home. That’s really annoying.

On another note, I think the dog just realized that the elliptical machine won’t hurt him. Last night was the first time he stayed in the room while I was using it.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I need to find a conference to go to for work. Not only will I get paid for spending a week (give or take) attending some conference/trade show/training class, but I’ll also be living on an expense account! Plus, I can pick whatever city I want to be in and whatever conference I want to attend. Most people would be thrilled with this. Me on the other hand, they are forcing me to go. It’s actually one of my yearly objectives! It’s not that I have something against conferences. I’m just super busy. I mean, I’ve already got 2 trips to VA, a trip to Seattle, and a trip to Louisville, KY via Cincinnati (long story) this year. My poor dog is going to hate me. Plus, there are only so many cities I would want to go to. I have tons of friends that live all around the country. If I’m going to get a free plane ticket, why not make it to somewhere I can visit someone? I can’t seem to find a conference that relates to anything I do in any of the cities I want. The only ones that relate are in places like Minnesota or Arizona where I don’t know anyone or just don’t want to visit. Why can’t there be something security related or software related in Hawaii?

- Edited 8/11 -
I just found out yesterday that one guy is going to a conference in Scotland. I didn't know we could do that!!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I Need A Date!

My girlfriend is getting married Labor Day weekend in Virginia Beach. Of course I was invited and I’ll definitely be going. However, seeing as I’m single, I’m not bringing anyone up with me. I’ll be flying in to DC and driving down and none of my friends from that area can go either. Well, my girlfriend just emailed me to say that T, a guy who knows her friend, said he would go with me if I didn’t have a date! Number 1, I don’t know him! Someone brought him along when we went out last time, so my girlfriend doesn’t know him either. Number 2, he is totally not my type. I just don’t think we have a single thing in common. And number 3, he smokes, and I can only be around a smoker for so long. He expressed interest in me the one and only time I met him, but I figured that was over and done with seeing as I LIVE IN FLORIDA. Apparently not. So, I need a date! I NEEEEDDD A DATE! Anyone up there wanna go to a wedding? There’s an open bar!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

What? Me? Tagged?

Ok, Aziza. It didn't take me 2 days to do this like I figured it would. I just got back from vacation, but I'll have to write about that later. Here goes nothing...

1 Ten Years ago - I was getting ready to go to college in Indiana. I was 17 and full of Optimism!

2 Five Years Ago - I had just moved to Florida with my car packed full of all my worldy possessions. I was still quite optimistic then!

3 One Year Ago - Last year I was working, dating, traveling, just living.

4 Yesterday - I was flying home from Birmingham, AL. I spent the weekend with my extended family. There is nothing like getting your great aunts and uncles, second and third cousins all together. It wasn't a reunion or anything. They all live in Birmingham and get together often. When I am there, I sometimes wish I had grown up around more family.

5 Today - I'm playing catch up at work. Even 2 days creates a backup of stuff to do.

6 Tomorrow - I'll still be catching up.

7 Five Snacks I Enjoy - Anything with chocolate!, Japanese crackers, chips and salsa, popcorn.

8 Five Bands I know All The Words (err... most words) To Their Music - Ummmm... Ok. I'll admit it, I don't know all the words to anyone! I have the worse memory in the world! But I love all music.

9 Five Things I Would Do With $100,000,000.00 - First, I'd probably give a quarter of it to my parents. They've done so much for me over the years. I'd set up a college fund for my niece. I'd pay off my house and other miscellaneous bills. I'd give to charity. And I'd take a vacation.

10 Five Locations I Would Like To Run Away To - Maldives, Italy, Greece, Fiji, and Japan.

11 Five Bad Habits - Watching too much TV, not doing the dishes right away (I love to cook, but I hate dishes), Not doing the laundry right away (When I'm really dressed up, I'm not trying to be cute, I just need to do the laundry!), I'm forgetfull except when it comes to birthdays, and I never put my shoes away.

12 Five Things I Like Doing - cooking, reading, watching tv/movies, playing with my friends kids(then giving them back!!), and being out and about with my girls.

13 Five TV Shows I like - CSI, Iron Chef(Food Network show), America's next top model(I love the pictures!), the NEWS(More people need to keep up on current events), and any Football Games(Don't call me Sundays!)

14 Five Famous People I Would Like To Meet - This is a tough one. Maya Angelou, Barak Obama, Magic Johnson, Oprah, and E. Lynn Harris.

15 Five Biggest Joys At This Moment - Seeing my niece's little smile. The knowledge that my friends and family love and support me. Having a job that lets me not worry about paying my bills. Being 27 and owning my own home. The fact that my friend just called to say he made it home from afganistan healthy.

16 Five Favorite Toys - I'm not big into toys...

17 Who's next - Ummm... I dunno. ShellyP has already been tagged. NYABG? Proactiff?